- Upgrading nested prefabs from U# 0.x projects should now be handled properly #82
- Fixes for float -> int truncation and precision contributed by @ureishi #79
- Fix for casts from
-> float types contributed by @ureishi #80 - Fixes for string composite assignment contributed by @ureishi #29
- Fixes for equality between two null constants contributed by @ureishi #30
- Fix for checking event compatibility with built-in events to not only check event name, this would cause issues if you tried to register an event without the correct parameters for a built-in event.
- Fix to show jagged array fields if they are marked with OdinSerialize, but private
- Adds Curl errors that Unity now likes to throw with the menu updates to the event filter for log watcher
- Fix for inter-prefrab references on instantiated prefabs not applying correctly in some cases, because Unity
- Prevent running upgrade process on intermediate build prefabs
- Workaround for a case where Unity thinks an object is a prefab when it isn't during the prefab build process which could cause the process to fail